Mugs were first used 12000 years ago way back in the Stone Age, yes really! Archaeologists have found caveman mugs carved out of bones which have been carbon dated back to 10000 BC. Cave dwellers used mugs although they didn’t drink tea or coffee or likely anything hot they were probably used for drinking water and animal blood.
Some Ancient Mug Facts
- The oldest clay mug on the planet was found in Greece and is believed to be 6000-7000 years old.
- Metal mugs came into fashion around 4000-4500 years ago.
- Wooden Mugs would have been used thousands of years ago, wood rots, so none have ever been found by modern day man.
- Porcelain was invented in China around 700 years ago, and Porcelain mugs soon followed and are still widely used to this day.
- Mug decorations are nothing new mugs have been decorated for over 7000 years.